Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic

Don’t be snookered by lower back pain

snooker-lower-back-painThe Snooker World Championships are taking place at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield – and it provides a constant reminder of the lower back pain that a large proportion of the population deals with.

Snooker doesn’t command the television audiences that it did in the 1980s – the 1985 final between Steve Davis and Denis Taylor went on for almost 15 hours and was watched by 18.5m people- but it remains a very popular global pastime.

And it requires players to be in better physical shape than you might expect – repetitive movement and world-class accuracy requires flexibility, core strength and stamina – especially for the longer matches.

However, if the very thought of bending over a snooker table to take a shot fills you with dread, it may be because you’re suffering from lower back pain. In fact, the NHS estimates that as many of half of UK adults are living with chronic lower back pain.

It’s one of the most common conditions we are asked to treat at Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic – and it’s not just sportspeople that are affected. We help patients whose back pain is affecting many aspects of their day-to-day lives, whether it’s their work, their pastimes, or even playing with their children and grandchildren.

We would urge anybody who is struggling with back pain to get in touch with us to find out how we can help.

Lower back pain symptoms

Chronic lower back pain is typically a dull, achy pain, confided to the lower back. It can also include a stinging, burning pain that can move from the back into the upper thigh area, including numbness or tingling, which may be sciatica. The sufferer may also experience muscle spasms in the back, pelvis and hips.

Sitting still or standing in the same position for lengthy periods can make symptoms worse, and the patient may also struggle to sit comfortably. It can also affect mobility – standing up or sitting down can be difficult as can walking/running.

What causes lower back pain?

There are a number of possible causes of lower back pain and it is important to get a diagnosis for your specific individual condition and for treatment to be based on your exact requirements.

Typically, lower back pain will have been caused by poor posture over a long period of time, or an injury caused by lifting heavy objects, falls, or a sports-associated twisting injury.

Sometimes, a patient might have an issue with a different part of their body, such as the pelvis or hips, that is manifesting itself in the back. That’s why it’s important not to guess at treatment and to be seen by a specialist.

I’ve been living with back pain for months or years – why should I see somebody now?

Because you’ve been living with it for so long! Dealing with pain might have become a way of life for you, but it doesn’t need to be. Our patients are often surprised at how quickly they start to feel better after visiting us – frequently noticing an improvement after a single visit.

If you’ve been struggling for mobility, you’d be amazed at the lease of life you’ll get when your freedom of movement returns and when your chronic pain eases.

Who should I see about my lower back pain?

At Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic, we offer a range of services that complement each other, and we can refer patients across departments to ensure they are seeing the most appropriate person for their problem. Whether it’s a physiotherapist, a rehabilitation therapist, a massage therapist, an osteopath, an acupuncturist or a podiatrist, we can make sure that the correct person is giving you advice and setting you on your way to the fastest possible recovery.

How can I get in touch?

Contact us here or call us on 0191 233 0500, to speak to a specialist or book an appointment.

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