Steve Veitch BSc (Hons) MSCP, MSOM | Physiotherapist

Steven Veitch

Steve is a highly skilled and qualified physiotherapist, with more than ten years’ experience working within the NHS and private sectors.  Steve is a lead physiotherapist at our Newcastle city centre clinic, sharing his clinical time between the two.

Steve has a vast experience in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.  Using excellent manual therapy skills obtained through his society of Orthopaedic Medicine Specialist training and qualification.

When Steve is not treating musculoskeletal disorders in both sporting and non-sporting customers, he manages and coordinates internal staff training and continuous professional development. He is an assessor for the clinic’s internal training and a mentor for more junior therapists.

He has a keen interest in sports, mostly involving football, golf, running and triathlon.  He played football at professional and semi-professional level and plays golf to a good amateur standard. These interests led to Steve developing an excellent understanding of sporting-related injuries, how they occur, how best to rehabilitate a patient and how to prevent such injuries from occurring.

Steve currently runs our golf screening clinic where he assesses and treats all aspects of pain and injury relating to golf and he is the clinic’s specialist and lead therapist in musculoskeletal profiling of elite golfers having worked closely with county, national and professional players and coaches.  The clinic’s current profiling/screening programme includes video analysis and sport-specific exercise therapy and rehabilitation. Steve has also delivered educational seminars relating to golf swing biomechanics, injury prevention and performance enhancement at local golf clubs.

When Steve is not running the Alnwick clinic, offering treatments for musculoskeletal conditions or helping golfers enhance their performance without risk of injury, he works in occupational health, managing the prevention and treatment of work related injuries, often these work-related injuries are highlighted when he provides workstation and ergonomic advice to specialist workforces.  Having conducted workstation assessments in a variety of industries from production lines to laboratories, Steve has vast knowledge of injuries sustained by, and treatments most suitable for, those who do not have desk-based roles.  Steve has delivered occupation specific group lectures/seminars within local business organisations and played an active role in promoting injury prevention strategies around the work environment. The clinic now has a fast track Occupational Health referral system providing a service which has been championed at national conference level.

Steve also supports the biomechanical specialist at the clinic with the assessment and treatment of running injuries, having completed several half marathons and the Paris full marathon, Steve has the personal and clinical experience to provide bespoke advice, treatment, rehabilitation and training plans for runners who have picked up an injury during their training or races.