Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic

Tips for Running a Marathon

Running a marathon can appear to be a daunting challenge even for regular runners who have completed half marathon distance in the past.  However, it doesn’t have to be.  With some sound advice and tips, it can be a brilliant experience.  There are training plans available  which could help you train for a marathon whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced runner.

No one plan is the best.  The most important thing is to find a plan that fits your lifestyle and current fitness levels. Some runners base their running plan on time, some on distance.  What matters is time on your feet, distance, speed, recovery, fuel and other forms of training.

Several of our therapists are keen runners, one of our senior physiotherapists has competed in the Paris Marathon along with several half marathons and one of our Sports Therapists is an experienced runner having completed several marathons, below are some things to consider when preparing to run longer distances, whether that be a half marathon or a full marathon.



Key Tips for Running a Marathon

Most importantly, at the first sign of injury seek medical advice.  Early diagnosis and treatment has been proven to speed up recovery and reduce the risk of requiring more complex long-term treatments.  Therapists here at Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic are sports injury specialists and will always create bespoke treatment and rehabilitation plans specifically designed to fit the needs of the patient.

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