Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic



Unsure whether Sports Massage is right for you? Then you’ve come to the right place.

There is often some confusion surrounding Sports Massage treatments and where it differs from a regular massage. Although in some retrospect there are some similarities, Sports Massage offers a completely unique treatment option for patients suffering from pain or an injury.

Sports Massage is a clinical massage that can help benefit everyone. Whether you are an elite level athlete to an erratic gym-goer. The benefits are high-ranging and cover all our bodies physical, physiological and psychological needs. Where it differs is its focus on musculoskeletal and soft-tissue injuries as well as being tailored and prescriptive to your individual needs.

If that isn’t enough reason to consider a Sports Massage, don’t you worry. We’ve established our Top 5 Benefits for why Sports Massage is a vital therapy option.

  1. Joint Mobility – Sports Massage can help to increase joint mobility and range of motion by reducing soft tissue tension.
  2. Spasm Relief – Sports Massage can help in the relief of tightness, stiffness, spasms and restriction in the muscles and associated tissues.
  3. Improved Blood Circulation – Through techniques such as effleurage and afflurage, a sports massage can improve circulation and lymphatic function which in turn helps to eliminate muscle fatigue and soreness.
  4. Pain Reduction – Sports Massage can help in the elimination of pain, by facilitating the release of endorphins, hormones known to elevate mood.
  5. Improved Flexibility – Finally, Sports Massage through encouraging muscle relaxation and stretching can help facilitate increases in muscle flexibility.

All these benefits can positively affect your ability to not only perform at Sport but also improve your daily quality of life. We offer Sports Massage therapy and treatments across both our city centre and Jesmond clinics with both 30 minute or hour-long massage sessions available priced at £28 and £45 respectively. If you are looking to book an appointment today, you can either call us on 0191 233 0500 or BOOK ONLINE.

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