Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic

Yoga – Frequently Asked Questions

Yoga is a low impact form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing. The main components of yoga are postures and breathing making the class suitable for all, including those who may be recovering from injuries.

There have been many studies focusing on Yoga and its health benefits over many years.  Overall, Yoga is considered a safe and effective form of exercise when taught by a qualified instructor.

At Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic, we receive many requests for Yoga classes from both our clinic patients and class attendees and we are thrilled to be able to offer yoga classes from October 2017.

Our class will teach yoga positions that will encourage you to listen to your body and work with it rather than against it.  Classes will take a therapeutic approach to yoga to offer mindful movements that can help with common complaints such as tight hips, tight shoulders and back pain.  Breathing and relaxation techniques will also be included within the sessions.

Still unsure as to whether yoga will be suitable for you, below are some frequently asked questions which may help answer any concerns, however, if you do require any further information please call us on 0191 23305000.


What is yoga?

Yoga is a variety of postures and movements which focus on flexibility and strength and includes breathing exercises.

What are the benefits of yoga?

As well as increasing flexibility and strength, studies have shown that yoga has been beneficial when included in the treatment programmes of people suffering from ailments such as aches and pains, lower back pain, depression and stress.

Can yoga assist with balance?

Yes, practicing yoga helps to improve balance by strengthening your lower body, in particular your knees and ankles, this can help people who are at risk of falls.

Am I too young/old for yoga?

Certainly not, our classes are open to all ages and abilities, however we do ask that under 18’s are accompanied by an adult.

Do I have to be fit and flexible to do yoga?

The class is suitable for all ages and abilities, as you practice yoga your fitness and flexibility levels will improve.  Our instructor will guide you through the poses and movements regardless of your starting ability.

Can I injure myself doing yoga?

Yoga related injuries are very rare and our yoga instructor will be on hand during all sessions to ensure that you are performing the poses and movements correctly.

Studies have shown that practicing yoga can complement rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries and we would recommend taking part in the classes as part of your treatment programme.

How long are the classes?

Our classes are 1 hour, this allows for sufficient time to practice poses and movements as well as breathing techniques and allows for a period of relaxation techniques at the end of the session to allow your body to process the exercises you have performed.


To book a place on our yoga class, please contact 0191 2330500.

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