Traditional Acupuncture is one of the oldest recorded forms of medicine, having been practised for over 3000 years. Traditional Acupuncture originated in China several thousand years ago. Today it is widely used both in Asia and in western countries for a wide range of conditions.

Traditional Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with other therapies – or on its own as a complete therapy in its own right.

The Chinese theory is that energy known as Qi (pronounced chi) flows around the body in channels referred to as meridians. When the body is in a healthy state this energy flows freely. However, if there is a problem, the energy can stagnate and present itself as a number of conditions or complaints.

Now commonly used in the west, traditional acupuncture has become a valuable treatment option for many people.

Therapists are members of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and are experienced practitioners. The treatment they use is very much patient focused. This is based upon information gained during the initial consultation and takes into account influences such as lifestyle, diet and exercise. In addition to detailed questions, consultation includes looking at the tongue and taking the pulse at both wrists.

What happens at treatment?

During your first session, your acupuncturist will ask you questions relating to your symptoms, these will cover areas such as general health, lifestyle, medical history and medication. After assessing your problem/symptoms the acupuncturist will arrive at a considered diagnosis, help you to understand what is wrong and explain the proposed treatment plan.

Acupuncture involves fine needles being inserted into specific points on the body, they are then used to stimulate the body and induce a number of therapeutic effects in order to treat your complaint. Acupuncture needles are very fine, sterile and single use only. A typical diameter of needle used is 0.2mm

In addition to using needles, our acupuncturists also use a variety of other techniques .for example cupping therapy, massage and moxibustion may be used where the therapist feels it will enhance the effectiveness of the treatment

  1. Acupressure massage 

    (Following the same principles of acupuncture though without the use of needles)

  2. Moxibustion 

    (Burning of a dried herb known as Moxa, Mugwort or Artemis Vulgaris directly on the end of a needle or around a painful area)

  3. Cupping 

    (Application of a glass suction cup over an area)

In 2009 the National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended Acupuncture be made available for early, persistent non-specific back pain.

The British Acupuncture Council has produced research fact sheets on the following conditions that can be treated with acupuncture:

Acne, Allergic rhinitis, Anxiety, Back pain, Bells palsy, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Chronic pain, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Depression, Dysmenorrhoea, Eczema & psoriasis, Endometriosis, Fertility, Fibromyalgia, Frozen shoulder, Headache, Insomnia, I.B.S, Migraines, Nausea & vomiting, Neck pain, Osteoarthritis, P.C.O.S, Premenstrual syndrome, Sciatica, Sinusitis, Sports injuries, Stress, Tennis elbow, Tinnitus, Vertigo

Click here to go to the The World Health Organisation’s review and analysis of acupuncture.

The Traditional Acupuncturists who work at Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic are friendly and experienced therapists. They will be happy to discuss your suitability and options prior to booking.

Alternatively, click below to book your acupuncture appointment instantly.


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