TESTIMONIAL: Morgan Donnelly, British Fell Running Team

Hodder 2014 a“Karen Dearden’s wealth of experience & confidence means that her treatments have allowed me to compete consistently over the last 15 years up to International Level whilst balancing the needs of a demanding engineering career, family & busy race calendar.

“Newcastle Sports Injury clinic has been treating me over the last 15 years and I have stuck with them despite moving out of the N.East and across the Pennines into Cumbria.

“At 42 years old I am still competing at a high level (podium finisher) at national events in the domestic (UK) fell running scene, without Karen Dearden’s treatments I would not be able to achieve this whilst still juggling the demands of an engineering career in renewables & a family.

“An hour of KD treatment every few months keeps me well enough to train and compete at a domestically high level.

“KD has the ability to zoom in to the root cause of an injury with exceptional speed and accuracy often meaning that one treatment is enough to get me running again.”

Morgan Donnelly, British Fell runner


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