At Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic, we offer both podiatry and chiropody services, and we are often asked what the difference is between the two. Here is our guide to help…
At Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic, we offer both podiatry and chiropody services, and we are often asked what the difference is between the two. Here is our guide to help…
The adult verruca is on the rise and – as many NHS trusts do not offer treatment for a verruca – many people are now seeking self- or home-remedies for…
To celebrate World Osteopathy Day (June 22nd), we are offering a 50% discount off your first appointment with Will, for appointments booked up to and including the 30th of June…
The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ or ‘jaw joint’) is the most frequently used joint in the body, we use it to eat, smile, talk and even breathe therefore it’s not a…